Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 DRC Frigid 10K

I ran the Dallas Running Club's Frigid 10K this morning in 52:58, just under a minute away from my personal best at last year's event:  52:04.  I feel great about my time, though.

2010 was a bit spotty for me.  The first part of the year saw me training with the DRC for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in April.  However, I was still doing quite a bit of travel for my job at that time.  After the marathon, I had to go right back on the road and it kind of got me down.  I didn't run for almost 4 weeks.  When I tried to get back into my routine, I felt like I'd lost all of the fitness I'd worked so hard for leading up to the marathon.  So I just sort of hung on for the next few months.  I got out on the bike during the warmer months and rode in some exciting events, the highlight being the 100-mile Tour de Cure in Northwest Arkansas in October with my older brother.

After all that, I decided to go out for the Dallas White Rock Marathon in December just for continuity.  I figure I'd like to do that event every year to build up some consistency.  However, I didn't give myself nearly enough time to train and ended up 10 minutes slower than my 4:17 finish at Oklahoma City.  It hurt too.

But I was determined.  I had 2011 to look forward to and started planning my event calendar.  It helps that I've started a new job that keeps me home.  I picked out a few half marathons to run over the course of the year and even put a few triathlons in there.  I've been out of that scene since the Longhorn 70.3 back in 2009.    I started training again just a few days after White Rock.  That consistency combined with my training before the marathon has helped bring me back to where I was before.

I feel good today.  Next week I'll start working with the DRC as a pace leader for the 1:55 half marathon training group leading up to the White Rock Lake Centennial Half Marathon on May 7th.  Along the way, I'll run the Texas Half on January 29th, the Rock 'n' Roll Dallas on March 27th, and the Big D on April 10th--all half marathons.  It's going to be a great year!

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