Friday, June 5, 2009

Cycling Events Calendar

I should point out a REALLY good calendar resource for cycling events in the North Texas area. Bicycles, Inc. has a great calendar that includes weekly rides from their various locations and others. They also have upcoming races, rides, and rallys. The cool thing is that they include triathlons and duathlons. If you ride a bike in the events, it's on their calendar!

That's how I found out about the Cleburne Ironhorse Sprint tri. After the Frisco-to-Fort Worth MS 150 bike ride--actually on Day 2, which got canceled due to the threat of bad weather--I was like, "What's next?" I checked out of few other calendars but they weren't very complete. When I saw the one at Bicycles, Inc. and saw the triathlon events, I knew I had found what I was looking for.

Go check it out and find your next ride.


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